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– 1% of all transactions

1% of all transactions (buy or sell) contribute to the funding of permaculture farms globally through Terra Farming.

Terra Farming game

The integration of Food Token into the Terra Farming game facilitates in-game transactions and economic activities.

NFT projectse

NFT projects associated with Food Token offer access to permaculture courses, ebooks, and educational materials, promoting knowledge sharing and empowerment.

About us

Terra Farming Initiative:

Terra Farming represents a groundbreaking approach to agricultural development and environmental

stewardship. By allocating 1% of all Food Token transactions, we aim to establish and support permaculture

farms in diverse regions worldwide. Permaculture, a regenerative agricultural practice, emphasizes ecological

harmony, biodiversity, and resilience.

What is permaculture?

Permaculture is much more than simply growing an organic garden.

It is a holistic design approach that relies on observing and learning from nature to create sustainable systems that are regenerative, diversified and self-sustaining. By focusing on the ethical principles of care for the earth, care for people, and fair distribution of surplus, permaculture invites us to think about our interactions with the world in a more conscious and responsible way.

Permaculture Design Principles

Permaculture is guided by a series of design principles that can be applied in a wide range of contexts, from planning a garden to designing a sustainable community. These principles include:

Observe and interact

Capture and store energy

Get a performance

Apply self-regulation and accept feedback

Use and value natural services and resources

Design from patterns to details

Integrate instead of segregate

Use small and slow solutions

Value diversity

Use edges and value the marginal

  • Creatively use and respond to change

Benefits of permaculture

Permaculture offers a wide range of benefits, both for the environment and human communities. Some of these benefits include:

Production of healthy and nutritious foods

Soil and water conservation

Promotion of biodiversity and ecosystem health

Reducing dependence on external resources

Resilience to climate change and other environmental challenges

Strengthening local communities and social cohesion